本人9月要搬走 想转让我的2房间。现在又3个女生住,最好能够找一位女生跟她们合住。房租 $377 包水包电 + 中央空调、暖气。 总共5个房间, 4个卫生间 (3个浴室)。地址在 Western Pine 960 Western Road。门前有2路 Bus 差不多没10分钟有一般,离学校很近,走路20分钟到,做 Bus 5 分钟到。这地方很安静。有兴趣的话发 e-mail 跟我联系。6 f! E) k1 [( O o2 E
E-mail: scshao.86@gmail.com 2 B9 k+ N& n4 }% ]9 c. C0 l 5 @" e2 v; Q6 I. y谢谢
we are two exchange girls from hong kong, we would like to rent the room for only four months, we can move in anytime, if the room is still avaliable, please contact me at 519-701-6072, thanks.