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- 2006-2-3
State of the City Address 2006(ZT) A2 U$ z1 a6 ?
3 l, g8 e3 l4 W, s0 f L3 y# }
Below is the text of Mayor Anne Marie DeCicco\'s State of the City Address at the January 19, 2006 annual breakfast sponsored by the London Chamber of Commerce. More than 850 civic and business leaders attended this event held at the Hilton Hotel. 0 ]4 V7 H8 h G3 \$ V
3 L6 X) L' @% U* l4 f2 h2 Q
8 E1 g1 i; H! Q* \5 T( Y" H) u- ?( P' N2 B
Introduction3 ] _& Q4 `2 e# Z
Good morning ladies and gentlemen. I?m delighted to welcome all of you to the 2006 State of the City Address. I want to thank the entire Chamber team for organizing another successful event. Certainly, the strong connection between the City and the Chamber is an important partnership, and one we look forward to strengthening as we continue to work together to serve London.
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A number of my colleagues from Council and our administrative staff are here this morning and I ask you to join me in recognizing and thanking them. We have more than 3,000 employees, committed to serving you day in, and day out, 365 days a year. Those here today represent hundreds of years of dedicated service to London.
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. O( f% o; ^0 c) M: E. _: Q5 ?- IReflecting on A Proud History & Looking to A Bright Future
* P& g* v6 X/ q# _, Y* b150 years ? that?s the milestone we have just completed as a city. Celebrations abounded as we paid tribute to our roots, dating back to that first day of incorporation in 1855. For the past 12 months, the spirit of London came alive in many ways as we reflected on our history, our heritage, our successes and our challenges.
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Throughout our anniversary, I often echoed the thoughts of earlier leaders who believed, as I do, that we have a proud history and a bright future, not just for today, but for the next 150 years. London?s future depends on you and all citizens stepping forward to create a legacy for the next generation. This legacy will be founded on a new appreciation of what London can become, a new vision for the city, establishing its place within the region, the province and the nation.& @2 l0 A, G3 b; l- O
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Building a compelling, lasting and inclusive vision takes time, patience, persistence, determination and leadership. Vision is not about a slogan, or a catchphrase. Vision is insight, knowledge, and wisdom shared for the benefit of all. It means working together. And, if there is one theme in this presentation, if there is one thing that our first 150 years has shown, it is that - when London works together, together we achieve great accomplishments. Accomplishments such as the Canada Summer Games, the Memorial Cup, the John Labatt Centre, the Central library, a city that enjoys a lifestyle that is the envy of Ontario, and much, much more. 9 `; _9 ~5 r# ~ x
: n9 ^* |' P2 {& s: R+ @% S
City Council has also been listening. We have taken the opportunity to listen to you, whether it be through public input sessions, budget debates, open forums, or a series of articles written by a cross section of our citizens. We?re all working together to make London better, and giving us a clearer understanding of the hopes, dreams and aspirations of Londoners./ h6 Z% @7 W6 H3 G: v+ [
3 _- v- x/ |0 X: ]3 y: h( PPositioning London among Canada\'s Top Cities
) A; ^( r8 u! @0 ~4 D$ r% V9 MWhile City Council, working with our administration, has set a goal for London to be positioned among the top cities in our country, a vision for London cannot rest with Council alone. It must emerge from you. From within the community and be founded on our collective wisdom. I want to share our successes by focusing again on our five key goals, but before I do that, I would like to share with you, a few personal observations.
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First, today?s London varies from the past. Our population is changing dramatically. We are more diverse and we are much more dependent on new Canadians for the future growth of our city. These new citizens come to London from all parts of the world, with amazing skills, expertise and knowledge and we must do all we can to enable these new Canadians to contribute to our growing community.
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" m8 S% W/ w4 _" o; O! J. DSecond, our economic base is different now. As you know, London was once primarily a financial, educational, institutional and health care centre for southwestern Ontario. Its regional significance provided the City with wealth and influence, and the legacy of this prosperity can be seen in the amenities and services we have today. But, to succeed in the future, we?ll need to continue expanding in the fields of research, technology, manufacturing and life sciences.
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0 p2 v! e: ]4 P+ wThird, we must create our prosperity of the future, rather than resting on past successes. That?s why attracting new business is pivotal to London. It?s also equally important that we make further inroads with the Provincial and Federal governments to ensure they make more significant investments in our local and regional economies.
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Fourth, it?s important to recognize our young and dynamic population has a vital role to play in our prosperity. We must focus on retaining our best and brightest, who can, and will, locate in communities that are culturally, socially and environmentally diverse. They will choose to live where they find life most interesting - and, they have been clear, London must be more attentive to their needs, or they will take their creativity, ingenuity, and imagination elsewhere. 3 l4 G, r! D* X* l, L$ Q
0 I/ b6 {9 U6 ECreating A Strong & Diversified Local Economy. M' z' {- S8 X0 i7 c. `
So how do we address these observations? City Council continues to make decisions based on five key goals as part of its strategic direction. Our plan of action is working and I want to take the time to share our achievements and explain some of the next steps.
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! C' p: x- A4 JAs you recall our first goal as a Council is to create a strong and diversified local economy, of which financial stability and fiscal responsibility are key components. About five years ago, Council decided to develop its first-ever Strategic Financial Plan. We identified this Plan as a necessary measure to competitively attract new jobs, to ensure basic needs are met without compromising other important projects and services, and to invest appropriately in our neighbourhoods. ! I# p' I4 I+ l d: B+ b
, k% E+ N" W6 rWe realized it would take time to implement, but as a result, today we are better positioned than ever before, as the Plan is our driving force in becoming more fiscally responsible. At the same time, we are investing strategically to strengthen our quality of life, allowing us to become more competitive. So how is our Financial Plan paying off?: r- B) w; S; c# G4 R$ c% G* f
3 z( J2 l, Z" f% B( N# E' H4 Q( POver the past three months, City Council has worked diligently on the budget. We have made considerable ground in bringing in a budget that meets the rate of inflation at around 3%. While this is good news, it is the framework from which we started that I would like to highlight. It?s not about a quick fix, but setting priorities and sticking to basic principles over time. That is why Council has stuck to the $30-million debt cap on tax supported projects and applied one-time year end surpluses to reduce debt. We also continued to use the philosophy of pay-as-you-go with more projects. You have told us this is important, and we have listened.
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" }7 B: K" e& k7 |Council has implemented a cost containment initiative within all city departments, absorbing millions of dollars in inflationary pressures, while at the same time, implementing a vacancy management program. And, all City Boards and Commissions have been given stringent targets to meet in their budget planning. We have done well, but we will and can do better.
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Our assessment growth continues to be strong and stable, a prime reason for the Aaa credit rating London has retained for the 28th consecutive year. Moody?s awarded this distinction citing our expanding assessment base, modest debt and prudent fiscal plan. And, we continued to focus on increasing our revenues and finding new sources of funding. |