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选区12上届议员Mr.Harold Usher,本届继续竞选









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发表于 2010-10-8 11:59 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
9 t8 ]( X2 Y# L, R! ^
4 _, ?. v; e* u- x5 R3 @8 E* D! XHarold Usher, P.Eng., DTMCity Councillor - Ward 12 (London, Ontario, CANADA)Founder and Past President: London City Hall Toastmasters Club (London, Ontario)
) K) F) M& _4 t8 `! lPRESIDENT: "Adventures in . . ." SEMINARS & SPEECHES
0 |! t' C9 D+ f( g5 bBoard Member: Consortium for Belizean Development Honorary Chair - Father's Day Walk/Run Event for Prostate Cancer Research Fundraising (London, Ontario)  
. `  o9 X# N  W# e, j/ F$ l2 c( K+ Z( AAUTHOR: PROSTATE! PROSTATE! PROSTATE! A Problem of Men                    Book available at:  www.trafford.com/bookstore; or Amazon.com; or from husher@rogers.com0 D6 ~" J3 A( u3 B7 Q( }" R
                    View book at www.trafford.com/bookstore (type: USHER  or  PROSTATE), or www.haroldusher.com                Considered the most patient-friendly, easy-to-read, informative and inspiring Book about man's prostate.
* x) `. ^6 X2 e& I7 [+ \+ U$ t5 _. \2 ~  D
*On matters of style, swim with the current; On matters of principle, stand like a rock.
2 t; f+ f/ ]) z& H- T6 X; P, dThomas Jefferson
4 {/ |( H4 h4 A9 \
0 {4 ~: B* t  C
8 B% i; E7 k, W- t9 ?Home Page
8 T. q* O, A( E: G7 N7 D, M6 U
& Q5 F, D6 F# B7 b: pBanner or header2 C1 F% |5 a2 u6 x+ P- B2 x. i6 o
3 w  }  [, x+ a7 t" n! S
The 2010 Municipal Election is upon us and I, Harold Usher, am seeking re-election as Councillor, for the expanded Ward 12. , ^1 R& A8 [+ y

: `5 Y1 o/ T  M2 Q" ~& y; O/ ]$ DI am seeking the privilege and honour of representing the residents of the newly expanded Ward 12 again as their City Councillor.( O/ j8 _6 z4 O6 ~4 C; u9 Q( K
5 v" B# p$ f+ K8 ?% [7 A; D" ?: r% L
I hereby ask you to consider me, again, as your ‘Candidate of Choice.’$ I( L' X) h; J. y

4 u' l2 e2 P$ eI ask for your vote again on Election Day
2 {  E( _) O4 i8 \Monday October 25, 2010
' e9 a( G" @3 m  R(or at advance polls or by Mail) 7 R4 H  H5 ?/ }* K
Cast your VOTE to RE-ELECT& n1 k) h# u8 _: M" `
Harold“Mr. Sensational” USHER
: M, o0 K; m0 \; U3 H3 mAs Councillor - Ward 12
# p* n/ w3 [- q# V; o* W( R) V, s" N0 @9 |
, P3 i- x+ t* Z8 a( U

7 k( H+ Q; i: W3 A, {Who am I
6 [! j" }6 g) a$ S! W* _( _( }2 z2 O# p, k0 A( ~
City Councillor – Ward 12.A Resident of Ward 12 – since 1981.
8 l' b. p4 ]1 X% T  mA Professional Engineer (Civil). ( J. n, r* x6 G- P2 Y  D& y
An Inspirational Speaker. % R, ]) R' e2 B2 ^
A Human Resources Development Trainer.* l. B+ A: [. z# J+ K( _( X' |
An Author.
, D0 M/ W! |9 Z  z( M$ R$ I! k' n- b
Worked 24 years for Bell Canada at several levels and positions across Ontario.) V9 f$ B- C. Q
Owns and operates a successful ‘life enrichment’ business, offering: -; @% H+ I" U0 H/ P& }- k+ r
Inspirational Speaking, Personal Development Training and Coaching.9 x, J& W9 k  T; G% b
Co-Author of book “PROSTATE! PROSTATE! PROSTATE! A Problem of Men.”  R! ~' c* R6 b7 _/ N) Q) K
. z6 |: k# @) n% O2 l
I have been a resident of this Ward since 1981 and have served it successfully
4 j( A0 e" G2 V% Xand effectively for the past three terms, always pursuing and ensuring a high ' k' R% s( P% J+ A4 g3 t
quality of life for its residents and for the rest of the people of London.
% o1 m0 b. W* c& Z+ E4 L% KThis is something I enjoy doing and I do it with pride, passion, compassion
' O! r5 h5 Y. d! B. R4 yand enthusiasm.& D! @8 w0 N8 t3 z5 v4 ^
I am hard working, conscientious and reliable.
( g) n+ ]8 @7 U; }! p
6 x+ S; n% a& G; M5 H9 O* aIt is said, I am a voice of experience, knowledge, professionalism, integrity and civility in addressing technical, non-technical and social issues. ( V1 j$ O: r6 G9 F
Over the years I have made significant contributions toward many decisions
- o( ~3 O2 f1 \0 [4 U# ]* trelated to hundreds of issues on City Council and I have intervened actively & [/ c2 R% j5 u" D2 y9 J
many times outside of Council on constituents behalf, achieving tremendous+ D, N. ?- f' v  `& w4 e
positive results.0 e: r  h4 j3 S: Q9 D% m1 c
- j7 j; U* v& G& `3 I
I am interested in making further contributions toward keeping our city4 V# g; f; G4 t0 G+ e" ]! o$ T  ^4 [
safe, healthy and progressive, thereby sustaining and enhancing the high
! z& a; q8 @; Oquality of life we have come to enjoy.
2 B( r+ J1 s  p. Z4 I
2 I3 d/ e) W, {- \" m1 AI bring my knowledge, experience, leadership skills and commitment to
/ J2 j5 |8 D, t7 M7 L' cthe job as Councillor and I take it seriously.
9 L/ d7 W  y4 F5 q+ L' B
9 F' x; `! c' H6 EOn October 25, 2010
4 l$ D' `& j$ n0 _0 q+ aVote to RE-ELECT Harold USHER as your Councillor for WARD 12 . g% h& o& t4 I3 A" D( X* @( o% d2 s
; B: M4 R, c# ~* i
My promise/commitment' T/ ?7 E7 @, N6 c

- N. [% m' v9 K/ l; L: VI have always worked, and will continue to work, to make London a safer, healthier, more progressive
5 I, c# Y# X4 i" k8 E8 Dplace to live and work, raise our children and continue
( I1 `1 C2 x% j  w, Kto achieve the quality of life we have come to enjoy.
+ H6 k8 ^! D; `- u" n  Y
3 E9 |# p2 H: S/ x" D+ n% rI am committed to utilizing my time, knowledge, experience and leadership in taking actions and making decisions on issues, including:
+ [* C3 h* c( A& m! E6 r• Financial strategies to keep taxes down
3 z4 N4 S% a! c: _- W" l• Land servicing strategies to attract more jobs that pay well: q0 w# T$ j5 U# H- K9 f! h
• Social justice, security, and safety6 W+ Q' h4 p3 p% ^
• Affordable housing strategies' A2 m: W! [3 {9 C1 U" M. |- r
• Environmental protection and preservation, including climate issues9 I0 ]" i( u2 g
• Smart growth strategies including arts, culture, diversity and inclusion9 D- C1 q* d7 c& x
• Infrastructure development strategies+ t5 d5 D# c# ?
• Effective public transit services strategies
4 ?! z. @3 q; S- {7 R' [• Traffic, roads and transportation strategies for safe, comfortable travel! \$ W! P, g( Q3 l& S% V/ t
• Safe drinking water management
! Z) x/ l" U# p& K• Storm water management
  q2 Q: t3 g; U( e• Solid waste disposal and recycling strategies3 V* S! k2 R0 F* v0 N
• Parks and recreation, planning and development9 D% J3 m5 f3 _! U8 h: j- k  ]
• Support for foreign trained professionals and skills
9 ]$ ?6 \% Q( b2 l# O  3 ^. M$ ~- w0 U& g& G, ~
What People Say about Harold Usher
1 b  J" m* C" k1 w$ x8 |1 |  @: o  Q5 M! K$ }' u6 C: M
Harold USHER6 F& h4 e" f4 J1 ?
works hard and makes decisions that ensure good quality of life for thepeople of London and the Residents of his Ward.6 C7 b2 r2 ^' G* S
He uses experience, knowledge, leadership and integrity. ( F* s: k3 ?' w5 o
He serves and represents his constituents proudly, humbly, reliably and effectively, with compassion, commitment, respect and energy.
* {& j: Z1 b1 v8 X5 q+ l6 _- B$ Y! ]
People say
% X2 G' b/ l/ w+ C+ y- n# }Harold USHER:
* w+ }7 Q* d* H! Q" h$ M! U9 |• Is a respectful and democratic Councillor• Serves with dignity and integrity
/ c: j* K2 \+ A3 M* g5 Y• Asks appropriate questions
1 e4 s8 @% H2 Z3 n• Listens to his constituents% S) }( Y! e; K3 s" q
• Responds to his constituents concerns, needs and wishes
% H8 |9 I' M% U6 D2 X• Cares and considers the welfare of people, including the 9 P; X$ d9 B9 H
   youths, seniors and those in need
( r5 M5 m! J4 `1 L• Is the best representative for the communities in Ward 12, including
/ N- D7 U! b: o' e* d( d   Lockwood Park, White Oaks, Cleardale, Highland and Westminster( F+ |2 i( t# G6 N
• Inspires and empowers others2 e  k- a% b1 G/ C- a7 z+ w3 }
• Is eloquent and civil
- s$ P* ]  Q$ F. u) I• Is friendly and helpful5 D6 r' X# |; H2 R5 O
• Represents the people of Ward 12 and London very well% U; j. ~- a+ ~7 ], k6 ]8 V

* h4 E3 m9 D: t) d  YIs considered Reliable, Trustworthy, Accountable and Respectful by his family, friends, colleagues, constituents and members of the community.
. r' g* d$ f# E; n' X
/ c; b3 z5 a! t  }+ j5 lMy Bio
' P7 p6 z0 N; c/ K  s! A, s3 `9 b
9 S) P( m# a3 P+ T( R; E0 E4 Q4 a/ R5 A. U6 B* v5 `3 I
Brief biography of  Harold Usher,  P. Eng., DTM  HAROLD USHER, P. Eng., DTM                         718 Chiddington Avenue! s- B( Q, I+ ~$ V+ T9 a6 e
City Councillor                                                         London, Ontario
0 }  W5 D5 V; l! K9 C4 `Professional Engineer                                               N6C 2W8& K0 w* j& H, F& z
Personal Development Trainer- z- v: U! k5 z) E: F; P! C
Inspirational Speaker                                                519-686-7502     
) `7 e( n4 n" R+ pAuthor                                                                                     husher@rogers.com      
* T. ?, D' y' i0 w+ a# F$ t: C2 R0 o* L+ v$ F
Actively voluntarily giving to individuals and the Community at home and abroad for as long as he can remember.
9 Z( }4 M& b( w/ W9 ]7 p
  V; i, [5 B$ I9 ^2 D- I% A********************************************************************************************* " W: K& ~" a) C( J9 u
Harold Usher is a City Councillor, representing Ward 12 in London, Ontario. He is the first Afro-Canadian to be elected to London City Council (November 2000). His Mission in life is to ‘inspire and empower individuals to better their personal disposition.’ He is a 1972 Civil Engineering graduate of Sir George Williams (currently Concordia) University in Montreal. He worked for Bell Canada for 24 years, during which time he became an Inspirational Speaker, Personnel Development Trainer, and an advocate for human rights and social justice issues, including: equity, race relations, opportunities for the less privilege, quality of life and harmony for all in the community. 5 F2 @+ N) _- O
A past member of the Jaycees, and now a quarter century member of Toastmasters, Harold served on the Board of Governors of Fanshawe College, the London Library Board, The Board of Directors of London Multicultural Youths Association, London Diversity and Race Relations Advisory Committee (Chair), The London and District Distress Centre and The Board of Directors of Toastmasters International. 4 z& V' R. D6 a& z3 |* x9 v
He currently serves on the City of London Community and Protective Services Committee (past Chair); the London Transit Commission (past Chair); the Joint Board of Management of the Lake Huron Primary Water Supply System (past Chair); Council’s Housing Leadership Committee; The Board of Directors of Goodwill Industries, Ontario Great Lakes; Elgin Middlesex, Oxford Workforce Planning and Development Board; and The International Board of Directors of The Consortium for Belizean Development.7 G5 u" g+ l) O- |; U5 Q
# O% n; _/ M3 z3 F
Harold has been the recipient of several honours and awards, including: the Canada 125th Commemorative Medal, The Distinguished Toastmasters (DTM) Designation from Toastmasters International – three times, the Toastmasters International President’s Citation, the joint Professional Engineers Ontario (PEO) and Ontario Society of Professional Engineers (OSPE) Citizenship Award, The London (Ontario) Black Community Achievement Award, The PRIDE African Canadian Achievement Award for “Excellence in Politics.”+ p9 ^; {4 Y  V4 ?, X5 L) N
3 P9 G: \, B9 S. m9 t7 j
Harold is the founder, owner and President of  “Adventures in . . .” SEMINARS & SPEECHES, a company that offers high impact human resources development workshops to organizations and individuals, at home and socially, for learning, leading and performing in the workplace. His workshops include training in Improving Communication skills, Leadership skills, Interpersonal Relations, Time Management, Networking and Team Building. He speaks on such topics as, Becoming Intentionally Appealing; YOU are the Magic; Building Your First, Second and Third Impressions; Developing Your Own Personal Mission Statement; Being a better YOU;  Reliability; Appreciation/Gratitude; Persistence; Character; and Where do you go from Here?
8 g* e$ b$ f& o; o+ R% ]1 z7 z! d( L9 Y: z6 V, N
Harold is a prostate cancer survivor and wrote an, inspiring, patient-friendly, easy-to-read, informative book, in collaboration with his renowned Canadian urologist, Dr. Joseph Chin, entitled “PROSTATE! PROSTATE! PROSTATE! A Problem of Men,” in which he tells his story and what he learned, and encourages men to get a regular medical check-up and to take action quickly when they are diagnosed positively with prostate cancer.
9 D: P; W8 U; G  M  g) mHarold is well known for his “fairness,” “compassion,” “integrity” and “Positive Mental Attitude.” He is an excellent role-model for all. He serves as mentor to several people, inspiring them to “tap their full potential” and to “prepare to become leaders for a world beyond tomorrow.”
8 ?( z* k; W. g' J! `0 v+ e* A' p4 ?8 T5 m, `( m5 e8 L7 Y, t1 s

; {, F' K" q) q) h5 g; H& bFavourite quotations
$ M5 v% F/ ?# Q- l$ y
8 F0 u, R8 e) ]; K- Q- A  eIn God I trust.
. x! G: q6 o% O7 o8 ?) _Faith in God gives meaning and purpose to human life.
; V- M1 x* U6 S: I  c! B( [$ x% YPeople don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.& d' V: P! X% @* }
Lots of people believe in you, make sure you are one of them.
% `  O8 y' V# m. v4 s/ uService to humanity is the best work of life.6 b6 H5 i$ V- ], ]
Service is the rent we pay for being on this earth.
8 a1 j) N- W& X: M) D) {* z4 D: PIn matters of style I swim with the current, in matters of principle I stand like a rock.0 f- G& |( D2 `  _, z. I

) k1 F* @. |% U5 U' \
  v8 L' }0 F& w% {3 {City Involvements
* |  q: t3 M8 g. a( G6 B3 O5 ~- b+ |5 i' _
I have contributed significantly to help make many valued decisions at City Council, particularly as a member of the following committees:
* {! i2 t5 i6 w( b# [' O• Community and Protective Services Committee (Vice Chair)
" ]4 `1 J: E, A* l$ F• Environmental and Transportation Committee (Past Chair)! W1 y3 R# a; R6 I, P/ O
• Planning Committee (Past Vice Chair)1 T* {. h( {( V; V/ H5 d6 F
• Lake Huron Primary Water Supply System Joint Board of Management (Past Chair)# ]6 [2 T$ _* G) u
• London Transit Commission (Past Chair)
5 Y! l6 a2 \! \+ d3 i6 ~• Paratransit Advisory Committee* B" S; z- E4 w6 q( P
• Council Housing Leadership Committee (CHLC)
6 k% ]/ g- r& D1 `9 a• Federation of Canadian Municipalities Standing Committees, as follows:
* z( Z) E  `5 X) L   - Increasing Women’s Participation in Municipal Politics   - Infrastructure and Transportation Policy
& j8 r* O- \1 k5 b   - Social-Economic Development    - Community Safety and Crime Prevention5 ?4 w; z- r. @! }
• Creative City Committee- w/ Y; e1 }9 m+ ^
• Services Review Committee3 g7 G& ~: O4 ?% w2 i! J: N' R. r7 D
• Taxi Licensing Appeal Committee (Chair)4 _1 O! b9 @  S' d
• London Transit Long-Term Growth Working Group. q  b* h% |  a
• London Downtown Parking Working Group3 F/ }) b( Z1 v7 z
• Age-friendly City Working Group
, D, ]  W( z7 x- }  f0 i$ S7 ICommunity Involvements/ C+ w; U4 z2 I) I& H8 ?3 V

' @& ^+ Q' A3 R" I1 BVoluntarily serves several community organizations and institutions, some of which are:  W) J7 A: C6 h2 @7 K+ r
* h- g# i5 P+ L7 Z3 X
Current:5 B' \: r  J1 M1 y  s- C% t
• Father’s Day Walk/Run Fundraising for Prostate Cancer Research, (Honorary Chair)
/ R9 L7 P8 O1 T3 c4 v* q8 c• Western Fair Association (Fair Director)( U- g# Z5 |) ^' q) d4 z( v, O
• Elgin, Middlesex, Oxford Workforce Planning and Development Board. _! ?6 |% S6 R3 s
• Goodwill Industries, Ontario Great Lakes (Board of Directors)
: g  m$ Z9 o5 ]  w- n0 s• ‘Thames Valley’ and ‘London City Hall,’ Toastmasters Clubs
1 l5 |+ J6 o# E1 g8 N4 o' k1 a• Garrison Community Council, “Civilians Supporting Canadian Military”$ ^7 b# ]1 p' ]& u; ~' }
• Black Community Leadership Congress - Regional Co-ordinating Team
; `$ b7 Q" s* ]( |  y$ y·         London Black History Coordinating Committee – Closing GALA Producer
1 W; P( U. Q. M, {• Telecom Pioneers of ‘Canada’ and ‘America’
: A- i6 n9 s: n- i# s) ?
& ]% A  p% ?8 qPast:
; b9 r+ s) [* h• Toastmasters International (International Board of Directors). A6 H- b9 ^; z+ Q$ m, y; u- v- `
• Fanshawe College (Board of Governors)
4 H! L( v  t9 z4 q7 l4 ?) ~$ c) _• London Diversity & Race Relations Advisory Committee (Chair)
7 u0 Z8 I5 y$ F  v9 h& {• London Library Board (Trustee)
6 _+ t" h4 o* h  j" T  }5 _• London and District Distress Centre (Board of Directors)4 q4 A) Q9 D$ B# b
• London Multi-cultural Youths Association (Board of Directors)7 L7 y- H5 \8 [, W( g, A
·         Jaycees
0 P2 o" w9 \' ]" d  J·         Consortium for Belizean development$ R  i# k1 h* }" |4 X% T
·         Journeys of the Black People of the United Church of Canada
3 {$ v* Z+ H1 u4 e: N
8 K7 \. S! a% z# p
! X: w5 ~* R8 O: t; a  |3 A8 mHonours and awards
. g5 }* j8 \+ a* {
; {9 C1 A, x! bRecipient of several distinguished awards and honours, including:·         Distinguished Toastmaster (DTM) – Toastmasters International, 1989, 1996, 2007
# G! q; y" y( p" I0 ?·         Excellence in Teamwork – Bell Canada, 1992
" q* e$ n/ a/ x* a: ]• Canada 125th Commemorative Medal
& R5 a- A$ u/ s+ ~& m·         George Keenan Award – Toastmasters International District 60, 1996
5 g9 Z3 L* p! l; c, E: b• Toastmasters International President’s Citation, 2000$ S/ D( I0 y9 w
• Joint APEO and OSPE Citizenship Award, 20082 ~1 ?. @: Q2 G
·         Co-Authored and Published Book, entitled, “PROSTATE! PROSTATE! PROSTATE! A Problem of Men,”With Dr. Joseph Chin (Trafford 2008)
# h0 D' v* _/ C• London Black Community Achievement Award, 2009
" A; {, g( D& N4 W& a·         Honorary Chair – London Fathers Day Walk/Run Event for Prostate Cancer Research Fundraiser, 2009, 2010
% z" e$ D: h3 Z0 Q/ u. t- T4 I" l• African Canadian Achievement Award “Excellence in Politics,” 20105 F: Z& Q: y- y& H0 A

1 E- y2 E2 b* V" P+ V; E; F1 L) e- j
Belief Faith in God gives meaning and purpose to human life.
0 }) a! I" _" N0 Z# S- O# P" qService to Humanity is the best work of life.
) \! B9 I7 \3 _( E+ P! M+ U( C) l" w2 N* a6 k* n& x
7 T* a1 y: Q3 z! V+ B8 ?
' I7 L, k' C8 A( N9 Q0 NLeadership is action, not position.
4 s& w9 r/ t5 c
& _) d" j* r7 E* e% `+ ~; ~Vision
# f4 d( V2 C8 |Improved or advanced quality of life of people.
  d  v0 ^7 h1 p( E/ d% J, l# v+ s. \& y( A, Q1 E5 D
1 n7 s; y$ y- v7 J7 W4 U+ {
Personal Mission 9 ~! n) o: \( ?. o3 p
To inspire, enable and empower individuals to better their personal disposition (quality of life).
6 y. ^( e$ x+ Z7 K
9 v; Y' u& ]* ^, ^$ i) j# ^8 x+ \: e5 }* Y2 X5 c3 t9 S
5 G( j. b. \7 c+ }2 F& EI believe that my faith in God gives meaning and purpose to my life, that my relationships will transcend personal growth, that my service to humanity is the best work of life, and that I exude MAGIC in everything that I think, do and say.
& S7 m+ k# R* [! V! y
) ^9 T" h0 V6 ]3 `0 Z; H' o) @4 YI live my life guided by principles - I am humble, fair, honest, truthful,  up-front, trustworthy, reliable, committed and dependable. % u6 w7 U$ S, A1 e' c$ T. ^

2 c* W4 ~! ~4 b/ GI understand  myself and others, and I value our differences - I am patient, tolerant and kind. I am gracious and considerate of others - their opinions, values and cultures. I am totally unbiased and unprejudiced. I respect others for who they are, what they are, and how they think.4 j  F# \0 b$ Z

/ D6 e. A: e# f, Q1 `I am proactive. I make my own choices and decisions, and I make them based on my circle of influence and guided by my principles. I am influenced only by the positives, fairness and the challenging.. e  x- W- t- q& G) l9 O8 y

* F# o; M/ l, K0 _) Q9 C5 rI am committed and dedicated to providing unconditional love to my family, as well as security, welfare and a comfortable lifestyle for them. I give them my attention and communicate with them pleasantly, friendly and maturely.  a' r6 _0 J# O' c

/ g4 C7 R# t& G4 m6 a4 HI work to help individuals and organizations tap their full potential and to cultivate leaders for a world beyond tomorrow.! A; w! q4 M* r/ @4 ?
/ {6 m1 r3 Z' q
I am intentionally inviting, by personality and behaviour, and I make people feel comfortable when they are with, or around, me./ X2 c  l/ ?, S, S% s! X

7 A# R. [" v7 y7 DI reach out, to make contacts and establish and maintain relationships, to expand my family network and my networks of friends, acquaintances, and business contacts, and I keep in touch. I never hesitate to give, share and contribute to the well being of others.
- }8 m% ?4 L. e/ k5 m7 E3 p: j# l
% G% x8 `* p2 x/ xI give of myself, my time, my possessions and my support to help others succeed.: l2 X$ X, o+ v
7 @& ?2 L- ~9 l, {
I share my time, my knowledge, and my possessions to help others grow and succeed.4 V* z% I% q# S0 ^+ x8 L
9 _5 X% E5 \( s+ r: H  Y/ M
I serve willingly, with energy and enthusiasm - my family, relatives, friends, the community and the public - to help individuals, groups, and organizations tap their full potential. I strive to help make the mission of every individual, and organization that I am involved with, a reality." ~( O: K# ?" S. ^

/ Q3 c/ z6 q( B+ f2 t/ {I serve to be a positive example and role model for others - by my behaviour and the expression of my feelings - by my attire, my presence and my image. I am a light, not a judge - a model, not a critic. I am  magic in people’s lives.
) U6 R! \" V- W0 H) M! @  D6 H" R* K* S* T$ f' R& T& ~
I touch the lives of people I come in contact with, often offering them encouragement and inspiration to do their best - family, relatives, friends, and acquaintances. I encourage them to reach for the stars, to dig deeper within themselves, to step out of their comfort zone, to awake their dormant qualities.  I strive to bring out the best in each of them as he/she allows me to do so - by my  words, actions and demonstrations.! t" U4 Q3 l) H  N

' B) V3 w1 _7 H7 M) p; S; dI rejoice for their achievements, even when they surpass my own level of achievement. : J% C% j* d; Q- D
  U& o9 ?2 l4 b3 P, Z) |! F3 L
I speak, and when I speak, I speak-up and speak-out with confidence, passion and sincerity.9 s$ M: `2 N) \9 ~7 U

2 H3 `' b1 y0 b4 CI listen and listen well - with my ears, eyes and heart. I listen for words, meanings, and feelings. I listen to understand and to learn. And what I learn I share with others by teaching, training and speaking about it. I contribute to the personal and professional development of others (youth and adults alike), cultivating them for leadership in a world beyond tomorrow.
5 F" Z# F# y: J
; l4 n6 }; [. ?4 R5 cI present my thoughts and ideas with passion and motivation, so that others who listen will learn something from my knowledge and experiences, and be motivated to act upon my message and contribute to their own development. & `, V$ [6 N/ l& B

  q7 X5 a% s1 M) SI behave in a way that will fulfill my mission, and I openly demonstrate my mission in what I think, say and do. In this way I share what I know best and lead by example. + `* d" ^" f- j3 N% R

- N; b% a* X+ J7 d8 v0 {6 AI give thanks and recognition, to the best of my ability, to those who contribute to my growth and accomplishments. I give recognition to those who contribute to others and to those who strive and achieve, even slightly. 0 [* V, r# p5 r( A$ Q8 e6 p- y, E

& ^5 a$ ~1 W' Z4 f% ]I am sensational and in all the above, I constantly strive to be better - always seeking advice and utilizing them as appropriate, always learning from my experiences.
' i; l9 M5 ~  j( X' u% S3 x8 L2 Q7 x
: S# R2 ]: |. M  y4 A5 z9 z% r% ]% x  I, q7 f7 c
Photo Gallery (would be nice as a slide)% ?7 O: u& b# @- {. g5 X5 _) S: P
You have these plus the four pictures on the brochure – if you want me to re-send the, let me know.
2 ~6 n$ U! f$ ?8 n- @$ i- ?7 z: G
/ I7 U+ d) g; V" i- N0 ^Ward map
0 Y/ T4 h( [. B% ?& b, c- vThis is at the back of the Door Hanger (attached)) {/ Q# y* R0 D# @

1 X- O1 \' D: X1 A3 j" l' i+ ~8 O0 T' m, N; f2 m3 Y
How You Can Help the Campaign
5 ]1 f4 ^' c3 t0 D4 t0 w& {3 Z* X( `( {2 I: |2 W' e# G& g
To join the campaign team: Call 519-686-7502 or
5 O$ M6 p! R* T: Ve-mail husher@rogers.com
* I8 p4 ^+ H" l8 S
8 `: a) v6 H: b& lTo have a SIGN for/on your Lawn:7 Q, B: h7 {/ p! `% O" ~/ r
Call 519-686-7502 or 0 m8 o5 g6 w$ B1 {# l! r
e-mail husher@rogers.com& E6 L* S$ |" c
: E4 ~9 c" T% R
To make a financial contribution toward the Campaign Expenses,
# U4 N/ I6 g& j" ?! [3 f+ ?Send or deliver the contribution (maximum $750) (Cheques made out to Harold Usher Campaign), to:
$ {0 t5 o* I& SChief Financial Officer – Harold Usher Campaign
) X+ z/ \+ h% x! \- h718 Chiddington Ave,5 X7 C* j- n+ B4 A
London, ON   N6C 2W8









Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

7503 点
3889 金币
发表于 2010-10-8 13:50 | 显示全部楼层
Worked 24 years for Bell Canada at several levels and positions across Ontario.. |# n. z/ ]$ h- A
就冲他为Bell工作,说话当放屁一样,我家Bell网络坏了,修了1个月还没修好,定了6MB的速度,结果就0.39MB,每次打电话都说等24-48小时,我至少等了5个24-48小时,最后直接说please give me one more chance to help you.这种人竞选说的话还能信吗??


参与人数 1威望 +2 收起 理由
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举人 五级

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

98 点
3525 金币
发表于 2010-10-8 22:26 | 显示全部楼层
回复 2# maurice.zheng
4 ?( _$ E2 }; M/ _+ \4 Z' U
( D6 n. I/ S3 G* }: ~4 f/ z. e& I2 j# ?. V) f& a+ T


参与人数 1威望 +2 收起 理由
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Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

7090 点
116027 金币
发表于 2010-10-8 22:44 | 显示全部楼层
Worked 24 years for Bell Canada at several levels and positions across Ontario.; U( p$ R: k  s& E% o% N
就冲他为Bell工作,说 ...) F) ]( g: C8 q7 P& A6 |  Q
maurice.zheng 发表于 2010-10-8 12:50
* p4 U+ e  Y* \" X8 a) A9 ^* u4 a
1 e1 b  ?5 s( [& o" o

$ ~2 H4 I5 B' t. ^- w    他只是为Bell工作过而已,怎么能就这样否定他呢?Bell再不对,也和他无关,怎么能说是“放屁”?为Bell工作过的人很多。不是每个在Bell工作过的人都是坏人。


参与人数 1威望 +2 收起 理由
北京朝阳区 + 2


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Rank: 5Rank: 5

81 点
2011 金币
发表于 2010-10-22 11:27 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 grace.chen 于 2010-10-22 11:29 编辑   r# ~& {& x5 G

  R8 _) \9 w7 e* G加拿大好多地方都已经有华人议员,伦敦什么时候能有咱们华人出来参选啊,也为咱们华裔社区出出声。
提供投资(RRSP RESP TFSA)、人寿保险 大病保险 长期护理险、集团福利计划、个人牙医健康保险等全面理财规划
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